Gala dinner in Geneva, Switzerland
The major charitable funding event organized by the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva and the Théâtre du Léman in conjunction with Swiss Event Productions, an exclusive evening with reputed female impersonator Véronic DiCaire, generated $70,000 for her foundation.
That show, the same the star is showcasing in Las Vegas, was offered on Thursday, October 17, 2013 and was followed by a gala dinner at the hotel. Some 1000 guests attended. The event was an initiative of the general manager of the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva, Thierry Lavalley, as well as of Claude Proz, general manager of the Théâtre du Léman, and Swiss Event Productions, with Patrick Messmer producing.
This was her only show in Europe and the gala dinner was hosted by Pierre Smet, wholeheartedly committed to this worthy cause.
Photo gallery
- The evening’s organizers with Véronic: (left to right) Rhéal Leroux, president of the Foundation; Patrick Messmer, from Swiss Event Productions; Rémon Boulerice, the artist’s manager; Véronic and Thierry Lavalley, general manager of the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva.
The evening’s organizers with Véronic: (left to right) Rhéal Leroux, president of the Foundation; Patrick Messmer, from Swiss Event Productions; Rémon Boulerice, the artist’s manager; Véronic and Thierry Lavalley, general manager of the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva.
- Alain Morisod and Mady, from Sweet People, surprised Véronic.
Alain Morisod and Mady, from Sweet People, surprised Véronic.
- The president of the Véronic DiCaire Foundation, Rhéal Leroux, and his spouse Rachel Gauthier attended the gala.
The president of the Véronic DiCaire Foundation, Rhéal Leroux, and his spouse Rachel Gauthier attended the gala.
- Stéphane Rouiller, winner of a trip to Canada for the 2014 Véronic DiCaire Open, and his spouse.
- Cédric Abikser, center, won a trip for two to Las Vegas to see Véronic’s show.
Cédric Abikser, center, won a trip for two to Las Vegas to see Véronic’s show.
- Veronic DiCaire / Vegas to Geneva
Soirée de Gala à l'Hôtel Kempiski pour la Fondation Veronic DiCaire_Genève le 17 octobre 2013
Photo:Joseph Carlucci
- Le directeur du Grand Hôtel Kempinski, hôte de la soirée, en compagnie de Véronic.
Veronic DiCaire / Vegas to Geneva Soirée de Gala à l'Hôtel Kempiski pour la Fondation Veronic DiCaire_Genève le 17 octobre 2013 Photo:Joseph Carlucci
- Jean-Frédéric Dufour (au centre) directeur général et président de Zénith a offert une montre comme prix lors de cette soirée.
Veronic DiCaire / Vegas to Geneva Soirée de Gala à l'Hôtel Kempiski pour la Fondation Veronic DiCaire_Genève le 17 octobre 2013 Photo:Joseph Carlucci
- Alain Morisod and Véronic
Veronic DiCaire / Vegas to Geneva Soirée de Gala à l'Hôtel Kempiski pour la Fondation Veronic DiCaire_Genève le 17 octobre 2013 Photo:Joseph Carlucci
- Veronic DiCaire / Vegas to Geneva
Soirée de Gala à l'Hôtel Kempiski pour la Fondation Veronic DiCaire_Genève le 17 octobre 2013
Photo:Joseph Carlucci